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Author : Efrain Silva


The Angelfish is truly majestic and smooth, swimming around like a soft angel in the waters — ergo the name is just right, “Angelfish”. In addition, many praise it for the way it behaves, not to mention for its gorgeous, heavenly color. ‘Graceful’ is perhaps the best word to describe the way this fish moves about.

It comes in various patterns of color (to see them all, just do a quick Google browser search and click on the “Images” tab that pops up), but my absolute, all - time favorite would have to be the bright blue or bright silver with black marks.


How does this fish like to eat, you might ask? Some say that it is a perfect angel that doesn’t need to eat and gets its sustenance directly from God and his angels, though that is just a rumor.

God does feed it, and He does so in the form of an omnivore diet ; that is the way He made it — this fish craves anything omnivore! Shrimp pellets are good ; color flakes work, too ; why not a few tropical granules, while you’re at it? For faster spawning, a proven method is to use live food (or even frozen food, too).


What origins does it boast of? So glad you asked! Its original name is Pterophyllum, and its place of origin is South America (many basins within the Amazons). This fish has also originally been spotted around the Guiana Shield and Orinoco, respectively.

And did you notice it’s shaped just like a Cichlid (perhaps one of its original ancestors or family members, who knows?)???? Don’t confuse it with the Marine Angelfish, a different type of fish with a different type of backstory….which altogether sounds a little more fishy when you hear it told (perhaps a story for another time)….

Roommate Situation

What would a fish be without a roommate? Well, the answer is, it depends on the fish! Fish, like people, vary — some thrive around others and are motivated & energized….while others, not so much. So what about this fish?

Well, the Angelfish gets along with a Rasbora or even a Tetra (larger ones, too). You can also feel free to place it alongside a Corydora or a Gourami, in addition to a Rainbowfish or even perhaps a Barb. This has been proven to be a smooth transition. The Angelfish is also very peaceful and will not start a fuss.

Other Facts to Note

Note that Angelfish have a tendency to eat right around the mid - level of the tank, or even right up close to the surface, many times. However, interestingly enough, when they’re in their original habitat, the script gets flipped — they scour for food at the bottom of the ocean. When these fish are held captive, they usually do not spawn (or if they do, they tend to eat their own eggs).

Why do they do that? It’s beyond me! But just keep that in mind, and if you want one, go and get a beautiful Angelfish today!