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Harlequin Rasboras

Author : Efrain Silva


These cute little fishies love the water (Hey, what fish doesn’t? Well, I can actually statistically list a few, but that may be for another article….) like it’s their everything. This fish comes in a light, bright orange with silver and is stunning as it shoots around, making little waves as it passes by underwater.

You will find some special areas of this fish’s body are actually tinted to a nice little hue of red. And these would be none other than its fins. But which ones, to be exact? Good question — I’m talking about all its pelvic, anal, dorsal, and even caudal fins! Plenty of red to go around, then, haha….


The diet, you ask? Well, to be quite frank, a fish of this caliber actually prefers to eat out at the great restaurant called the ocean. No, but seriously, when it’s out there in the wild, it tries its best to eat all there is to eat, nothing really excluded (within sensible reason, of course). It tries to avoid junk food and prefers ‘live foods’, which are fresh and full of life, ready to eat and organic. The ocean is chock full of that.

It’ll go for daphnia. It’ll attack brine shrimp. Heck, it can even do worms. Give it any of these, or some flakes.


The roots of the name of this fish come from the scientific label which was given to it, being that of the Trigonostigma heteromorpha. What a cool technical name to give it, I think ; experts certainly nailed it this time.

This fish was first introduced to the masses right around the start of the good ol’ 1900’s, and aquarists were quite thrilled to learn more of its existence. This fish was first noticed in several Asian provinces, which included Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, and many more!

Roommate Situation

This fish is classified as a ‘shoaling one’. So with that noted, please keep it in fish schools (and of no less than 8 - 10 fish).

If you want to really light up your tank, and across the beauty of its physical display, for all who pass it to see, then get several more of these fish in it (more than just 10, but whatever you can afford, within reason). Neon Tetras, in addition to Danios, are great tank mates to think about. Also, small Barbs work quite nicely, too.

Other Facts to Note

Keep the lights somewhat dim in its tank, if you can. Go for healthy, cost - efficient tank lighting, as well, if you have not already…LED and the whole nine yards, if at all possible. It’s an investment in your fish (not to mention your monthly utility bill) that can go a long way.

So I’ll repeat myself, in terms of the tank lighting that is best suited for your fish, to stress the importance of my last point : Don’t make it too bright. This also, some say, helps with mating, when it’s the right time. Give that fish some privacy!